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Announcing Regional, new features

Oh, faithful readers, whoever you may be: It is with some pleasure I can now reveal our “grand plans.” The launch of Regional is here; our first region is Flagstaff, Arizona, where my brother — a writer here — has moved and is the head of the effort in the city. In the future, we will bring more regional coverage.

As always, if you’re interested in writing for, don’t be shy.

In the new features department, maybe you’ve noticed that we’re more colorful now. Thoughts? Leave a comment!

Review: Stereolab – Chemical Chords

Stereolab - Chemical ChordsStereolab
Chemical Chords
4AD August 18, 2008

Stereolab’s made enough of a name for themselves by now that most releases will hit the radar of an assortment of music fans, especially those finding themselves attracted to the indie pop sound this bold outfit is known for producing so elegantly.

Stereolab – “Three Women” | download | preview at Beggars Group USA


Track Review: Chris Cotton – “Going Home”

Chris CottonChris Cotton
The Big Sea
“Going Home”

Chris Cotton – “Going Home” | download

“Going Home” is shocking in its immediacy: a track from Chris Cotton’s latest, due out September 2nd on Little Fish Large Pond Publishing. This vintage-style piece, recalling some of the earliest recorded American folk music, is a refreshing blast from distorted guitars and whining vocals. There’s something strangely enthralling about anachronistic music, isn’t there?

Video: They Might Be Giants at TED2007

They Might Be Giants performing at TED2007.Okay, this video might be a little old — don’t ignore it for that reason, please. Besides, if old counts as around a year and half ago, I suppose there’s plenty I ought to ignore instead of give some attention. At any rate, it’s apparently the earliest the band’s performed (or so they claim) and is full of witty banter. The video’s embedded below, but for your convenience, here’s a link: They Might Be Giants at TED2007. TED (Technology Entertainment Design), a conference taking place in Monterey, California, features all sorts of interesting speakers and performances, many of which are available at their official site,

The site includes a great MP4 download for those looking to watch this extravaganza on their favorite media device.

Plus, there’s a great performance of Apollo 18 favorite, “Fingertips,” that’s not to be missed. The video’s embedded after the jump. (more…)

Track Review: The Ritz – “It’s The…” from The Night of Day

The Ritz - The Night of DayThe Ritz
The Night of Day
“It’s The…”

Content warning: Lyrics involve use of the ever-ominous “f” word. I don’t mind.

The Ritz – “It’s The” | download

My first thought, after hearing this track from the debut album from The Ritz? I was impressed, honest. The combination of bass-heavy beats with string samples and a nice use of stereo rapping (Elliott Smith influence, maybe? Likely not.) is fairly evocative and engaging. My only real complaint? The bass is mixed a bit too heavily, as it ends up slightly excessive and punchy on my well-balanced headphones (Sennheiser HD 485s, nothing too expensive,) distracting from the rest of the track, a well-mixed hip-hop introduction track.There’s nothing too adventurous about this track, but its efficient execution bodes well for the full release, due out August 19th.

Review: The Luke Mulholland Band – Further

further_album120.jpgThe Luke Mulholland Band

The Luke Mulholland Band opens their 2008 release Further with a nice drive, but about 13 seconds in, I realized something: I’ve heard all this before. Not these exact lines or chord progressions — I think — but as competent as this group might be, fronted by a young guitarist currently attending the Berklee College of Music, there’s not a lot here that’s honestly original to catch the ears of interested listeners. (more…)

New to MusicGeek

Oh, faithful readers! I hope you have noticed the new music player up top. It’s filled with music posted here, and could make some good listening while you read. Of course, you can still use the individual track audio players, as well. There will be more improvements in the coming days, but I thought you might want to know that things are a little in progress right now.

Released This Week: Inquiet – Inq Beyong

Inquiet - Inq BeyongInquiet
Inq Beyong
Brother Sister Records, August 15, 2008

Inquiet – “Fresh Flesh” | download

Inquiet is an experimental pop group from Australia: That’s not a phrase you hear too often in many musical circles, especially those in the northern hemisphere. That’s got little to nothing to do with the musical quality here, to be honest. (more…)