Okay, this video might be a little old — don’t ignore it for that reason, please. Besides, if old counts as around a year and half ago, I suppose there’s plenty I ought to ignore instead of give some attention. At any rate, it’s apparently the earliest the band’s performed (or so they claim) and is full of witty banter. The video’s embedded below, but for your convenience, here’s a link: They Might Be Giants at TED2007. TED (Technology Entertainment Design), a conference taking place in Monterey, California, features all sorts of interesting speakers and performances, many of which are available at their official site, TED.com.
The site includes a great MP4 download for those looking to watch this extravaganza on their favorite media device.
Plus, there’s a great performance of Apollo 18 favorite, “Fingertips,” that’s not to be missed. The video’s embedded after the jump. (more…)